Maybe another glitch

João Távora joaotavora at
Thu Jan 30 21:41:24 UTC 2014

Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at> writes:

> I've been using github slime continuously for a few days and
> everything I normally use seems to be working fine, but today I tried
> to use multiple REPLs by loading slime-mrepl in my .emacs file, which
> is available in the contrib folder. When I do M-x slime-open-listener

Hmmm, the actual command appears to be `slime-new-mrepl'. Have you tried
that? I have and it opens a new repl (though apparently a limited one).

Anyway, the documentation does need to be updated, but I don't know
enough of the mrepl contrib right now to do it. I guess I could at least
fix that entry point tip though.

> Also, as I was scouring the slime html documentation looking for clues
> about multiple REPLs I noticed several sections where the text was
> single-columned, which didn't look very readable. The sections I
> noticed where this occurred were:
> 2.5.2 Multiple Lisps.
> 3.1.4 Key bindings
> 3.2 Evaluation commands
> 3.3 Compilation commands

I don't see these glitches. Maybe the version of the programs you used
to make the documentation have glitches. I'm using the latest slime and
a fairly up-to-date debian wheezy.


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