Two test errors in latest slime from github

João Távora joaotavora at
Fri Feb 21 17:04:54 UTC 2014

Luís Oliveira <luismbo at> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at> wrote:
>> 2 unexpected results:
>>    FAILED  autodoc-tests-23
>>    FAILED  autodoc-tests-24
>> I ran the test suite from the command prompt to check if it was my script
>> causing the problem, but I got the same two errors.
> I believe this is a known issue, registered in this very spartan
> issue: <>.


The autodoc tests, were, until fairly recently, hidden from the
automated test run by a mistake of mine. They were "unhidden"
recently and hence that failure shows.

Alternatively, it might be that you have updated your SBCL, since those
two tests don't fail in the 32bit version, which is the version that
Travis CI runs. They also don't fail on some cmucl version.

The problem is that autodoc tests are fairly brittle and when the
swank-side reports a little more or less info, it thinks it's a failure.

Part of Luís's work is determining when that is true and when it isn't.

Maybe you can help. A good place to start would be to register in the
issue, for each problematic test case, exactly:

   what is happening across different versions;
   what the tests believe should be happening; 
   what you think should be happening.


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