Quesstion about Alt-. navigation to function definitions

Jeffrey Cunningham jeffrey at jkcunningham.com
Thu Oct 31 02:39:36 UTC 2013

On 10/30/2013 06:13 PM, Dave Cooper wrote:
> The quicklisp/local-projects/ directory is just one convenient place 
> to put stuff, nothing dictates that you have to put it there.
> You can also put your own .asd systems elsewhere and set up a call to:
>  (pushnew ".../my-projects/" ql:*local-project-directories* :test 
> #'string-equal)
>  (ql:register-local-projects)
> Yes, you have to evaluate these two lines after making a new .asd 
> file. But if you put all your projects under ".../my-projects/" then 
> nothing else has to change so it can be part of a standard thingie you 
> just call after setting up a new experimental project.

Thanks, Dave. I've been reading Zach's documentation and see that now. 
Misconception on my part.

I just rebuilt a project following suggestions by Zach and yourself. 
Gave it a new name. It loads via ql:quickload without complaint. And it 
runs as before. Here's the way I am invoking the project:

(pushnew "/home/jcunningham/quest/jkc/ftisv44/" 
ql:*local-project-directories* :test #'equalp)
(ql:quickload "ftisv44")

It loads just fine. The project asd file:

;;;; ftisv44.asd

(asdf:defsystem #:ftisv44
   :serial t
   :description "Integer model for vhdl verification and testing"
   :author "J.K.Cunningham"
   :depends-on (#:cl-ppcre
   :components ((:file "package")
                (:file "common")
                (:file "vectors")
                (:file "waveforms")
                (:file "interface")
                (:file "model")
                (:file "post-processing")
                (:file "octave")
                (:file "vhdl")
                (:file "verify")
                (:file "make-html-pages")))

The package file:

(defpackage #:ftisv44
   (:use :cl    :cl-extra :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :graham :cl-gd-ext :json-pt 
:html5 :cl-who)
   (:shadowing-import-from :cl-who :str :htm :fmt)
    ;; from common.lisp
    ;; cordic

    ;; from vectors.lisp

    ;; from waveforms.lisp

    ;; from octave.lisp

    ;; from verify.lisp

    ;; from make-html-pages

Then at the top of a (non-project source file located in a data directory)

(in-package :ftisv44)

After all that, when I put the point on, say, the function 
ftisv44:run-verification and press Alt-. I still get

* Error: end of file on #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM {1005A81C63}>**


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