Quesstion about Alt-. navigation to function definitions

Christophe Rhodes csr21 at cantab.net
Wed Oct 30 08:24:40 UTC 2013

Jeff Cunningham <jeffrey at jkcunningham.com> writes:

> That was a typo - all of them are (in-package :ftis-v43), I just
> checked. Currently, if I start a fresh sbcl under slime the only
> functions I can navigate to with Alt-. are system functions (format,
> for example). Any packages I am loading via quicklisp or of my own
> result in:
> Error: end of file on #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM {10070EBBB3}>
> When I load packages creates and/or loads a fasl under
> ~/.cache/common-lisp/<sbcl version>/.. I would have thought that would
> be how it would navigate, but in my case not.
> I can open any source file, compile a LOCAL fasl with C-c k and then
> those functions can be navigated into. It used to work on
> anything. And I haven't changed my .sbclrc in years (except to add the
> suggestion yesterday). Here it is:

Well, I just did a quick test and I don't see this problem, though
inevitably my setup does not mirror yours terribly well.

On the assumption that you have cl-ppcre relatively easily to hand, what
  (describe 'cl-ppcre:regex-apropos)
say after you have loaded cl-ppcre through quicklisp?  (If you don't
have cl-ppcre, substitute your favourite simple "utility")



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