tests for contrib/slime-cl-indent.el are broken

Helmut Eller eller.helmut at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 13:05:28 UTC 2013

On Sat, Nov 23 2013, Robert Brown wrote:

> The root cause is complicated.  Setting comment-column to
> nil in the buffer used for testing fixes things.

Setting comment-column to nil doesn't seem right, because it's supposed
to be an integer.  E.g. M-x set-variable RET comment-column RET nil RET
doesn't work.  Also if comment-column is nil then M-; aka comment-dwim
no longer works.

Setting comment-indent-function to (lambda () nil) is also questionable
because that sends stuff like:

 (defun foo ()

into an endless recursion. 

To fix Test 32, the best solution would be to use change
comment-inline-offset from 1 to 0.  Unfortunately, comment-inline-offset
only exist since Emacs 24.


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