tests for contrib/slime-cl-indent.el are broken

Robert Brown robert.brown at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 01:49:23 UTC 2013

Thanks for taking a look at my patch for fixing the tests of

I agree that setting comment-column to nil is generally not right,
but it's a buffer-local variable and my change only sets it to nil
in the buffer that's used for testing slime-cl-indent code.  The
last change to slime-cl-indent.el removed code that sets it to
nil for all Common Lisp buffers.  That's why tests are currently

I can take another look at the testing code, to see if there's
another way to fix things.  Many of the tests are broken right now.
If using comment-inline-offset words, can I employ it, or do
you require that test code work on Emacs 23?

Also, does the endless recursion you mentioned occur when
executing indent-sexp or when hitting TAB on one of the lines
or code?

Thanks again.


On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Helmut Eller <eller.helmut at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 23 2013, Robert Brown wrote:
>> The root cause is complicated.  Setting comment-column to
>> nil in the buffer used for testing fixes things.
> Setting comment-column to nil doesn't seem right, because it's supposed
> to be an integer.  E.g. M-x set-variable RET comment-column RET nil RET
> doesn't work.  Also if comment-column is nil then M-; aka comment-dwim
> no longer works.
> Setting comment-indent-function to (lambda () nil) is also questionable
> because that sends stuff like:
>  (defun foo ()
>  ;
>    )
> into an endless recursion.
> To fix Test 32, the best solution would be to use change
> comment-inline-offset from 1 to 0.  Unfortunately, comment-inline-offset
> only exist since Emacs 24.
> Helmut

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