how to specify the readtable to be used when swank is handling request from slime

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at
Mon Jun 24 04:05:58 UTC 2013

When you work with SLIME and your code depends on customized readtable, how do you ensure slime requests are handled with your readtable?

I mean for example in CCL, when :span communication style is used by SLIME each requests is handled by new thread
and new threads are initialized with default value of cl:*readtable*.

In my source code I have
  (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    (when (find-package :swank)
      (eval (read-from-string 
             "(push `(*readtable* . ,*readtable*)

but I am afraid it is not the conventional way and depends on swank being already loaded at the moment my code is loaded.

What is the better way?

Best regards,
- Anton

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