[slime-devel] Not using Slime's debugger

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 5 19:52:41 UTC 2012

* Teemu Likonen [2012-02-05 18:38] writes:

> Hi,
> I want to use my own debugger function. Normally I do this by setting a
> custom function designator to cl:*debugger-hook*. With Slime I can't do
> this automatically because swank sets it to #'swank:swank-debugger-hook.
> The Slime manual says that ~/.swank.lisp can be used for setting
> swank:*global-debugger* to nil. Even if I do this, cl:*debugger-hook* is
> still set to swank's function.

Works for me: the gobal value of *debugger-hook* is nil.  SLIME still
dynamically binds it while processing it's own requests.

> Is there a way to set custom debugger automatically with Slime? Mostly I
> use SBCL.

Not that I know of.


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