[slime-devel] Add hook to swank::dispatch-event

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Sun May 22 10:15:41 UTC 2011

* Paulo Madeira [2011-04-14 20:52] writes:

> What do you think about adding a hook to swank::dispatch-event, much
> alike the mechanism in slime-dispatch-event? The purpose would be to
> support any set of commands that the contribs add, or even the user,
> through .swank.lisp or any other means.
> Right now, you can't send any command to Emacs that isn't in
> dispatch-event's destructuring-case.

What kind of commands do you need?  Contribs can add new functions with
defslimefun and Emacs can call those without much pain.  Slime also has
"channels" (see contrib/slime-mrepl.el for an example) which, at least
in theory, allow you to run custom protocols that don't match the RPC


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