[slime-devel] CMUCL raises emacs debugger

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 20:26:19 UTC 2011

On 3/3/11 7:47 AM, Desmond O. Chang wrote:
> Hi,
> If slime-net-coding-system is utf-8-unix, emacs will enter backtrace
> buffer after cmucl startup.  Here is my operation:
> 1. (setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
> 2. C-u M-x slime
> 3. input "lisp -noinit"
> 4. cmucl starting...
> 5. cmucl started, but raises emacs debugger
> This error doesn't occur every time.  If everything is ok, please quit
> cmucl then restart it, the error should occur now.

FWIW, I can reproduce this.  I don't have such problems with cmucl and
xemacs, though.  I don't what the cause is, but a backtrace would be useful.


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (cl-assertion-failed (plusp length))
  (condition-case error (slime-net-read) (error (debug ... error)
(slime-net-close process t) (error "net-read error: %S" error)))
  slime-net-read-or-lose(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "00034B(:return (:ok (:pid
67280 :style :fd-handler :encoding (:coding-system \"utf-8-unix\"
:external-format \"UTF-8\") :lisp-implementation (:type \"CMU Common
Lisp\" :name \"cmucl\" :version \"Snapshot 2011-03 (20B Unicode)\"
:program \"/Volumes/share2/darwin10.6/lib/cm$
\"\210\327 \210\324\330!\210\331\312^^^\^^^]\324\330!\210$
  debug(error (cl-assertion-failed (plusp length)))
  (condition-case error (slime-net-read) (error (debug ... error)
(slime-net-close process t) (error "net-read error: %S" error)))
  slime-net-read-or-lose(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "D97(:indentation-update
((\"with-symbol\" . 1) (\"with-read-buffer\" . 1) (\"enumerate-matches\"
. 1) (\"prepare-for-fast-read-byte\" . 1) (\"maybe-sap-maybe-string\" .
1) (\"def-output-routines\" . 1) (\"prepare-for-fast-read-char\" . 1)
(\"with-host\" . 1) (\"with-pathn$
\"\210\327 \210\324\330!\210\331\312^^^\^^^]\324\330!\210$
  debug(error (cl-assertion-failed (plusp length)))
  (condition-case error (slime-net-read) (error (debug ... error)
(slime-net-close process t) (error "net-read error: %S" error)))
  slime-net-read-or-lose(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "000064(:background-message
\"[GC done. 10.6 MB freed  3.9 MB retained  0.0/1.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0
0.02 sec]\")")
\"\210\327 \210\324\330!\210\331\312^^^\^^^]\324\330!\210$
  debug(error (cl-assertion-failed (plusp length)))
  (condition-case error (slime-net-read) (error (debug ... error)
(slime-net-close process t) (error "net-read error: %S" error)))
  slime-net-read-or-lose(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "00000003C(:background-message
\"[Commencing GC with 14.5 MB in use.]\")")

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