[slime-devel] Problem with debugger view source

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 1 08:03:52 UTC 2010

* Ryan Taylor [2010-09-01 03:29] writes:

> Hi,
> I cannot seem to get sldb-show-source to work using sbcl.
> I have tried with recent Ubuntu 10.04 packages:
>  emacs 23.1+1-4ubuntu7
>  slime 1:20090908-1
>  sbcl 1:
> I also tried a test machine where I downloaded:
>  sbcl 1.0.42
>  slime snapshot 2010-08-31
> On my test setup:  I wrote some trivial lisp code that included a (break) to start the debugger.  When running sldb-show-source on a frame from my source file, I get the following in my REPL output:
>   "WARNING: inconsistent form-number-translations"
> and I also get this in the emacs message echo area:
>   "error in process filter: Beginning of buffer"
> Any idea why this is happening?

Hard to tell without seeing the function with the (break).  A problem
may be that (break) is in tail position, so that the frame of your
function is overwritten before the debugger is called and the debugger
tries to find the source in some SBCL-internal function and the source
of those might be inconsistent with debug info in the fasl file.
Sometimes it helps to insert "(break) nil" to disable tail call
optimization of BREAK.  [Arguably optimizing calls to BREAK counts as
compiler bug.]


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