[slime-devel] SLIME snapshot (unix, sbcl): take3 (+ background-save-image)

Anton Kovalenko anton at sw4me.com
Fri Aug 20 10:06:48 UTC 2010

Hello SLIME developers,

New variant of slime-snapshot proposed update (for SBCL+unix)
is attached. Implementation dependencies were moved where they belong,
i.e. into SBCL backend.

This new variant includes a new interface, with SBCL+unix
implementation, namely, background-save-image: while the image is
dumped, the main REPL remains available; success or failure is reported
with a background message. Slime-snapshot is patched to use
background-save-image in the presence of prefix argument: 
C-u M-x slime-snapshot <RET>. Without a prefix argument, it uses
normal, synchronous (save-image).

Regards, Anton Kovalenko
+7(916)345-34-02 | Elektrostal' MO, Russia
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