[slime-devel] slime-autodoc stopping because of invalid characters.

Mark Cox markcox80 at gmail.com
Tue May 26 05:08:37 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Occasionally I manage to input a strange character into the slime-repl
and try and send it to the lisp. Fortunately, there is a condition in
SLIME-NET-SEND in slime.el which detects for strange characters and
refuses to send them. However, after signalling the "Coding system ..."
error in that function, the slime-autodoc/eldoc support for the REPL
stops working. The attached patch fixes that issue.

Is it correct to send CONTINUATION the value (LIST :ABORT)? I have seen
uses of SLIME-REX which look for it.


P.S. I'm a newbie to emacs lisp and the inner workings of slime.

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