[slime-devel] slime-repl does not appear

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Tue Jan 6 14:42:07 UTC 2009

* Jeff Caldwell [2009-01-06 12:04+0100] writes:

> Thanks, Helmut. I had grabbed both the cvs snapshot tarfile and the
> pdf link under documentation from the common-lisp.net slime page.
> After reading your response, I checked. The project page's pdf is from
> 2005 while the cvs snapshot was current. I didn't see a current ref.
> manual in the doc subdir of the cvs snapshot. Even the snapshot's
> README describes the old setup method, not the new one you describe
> below.
> Is there a current manual? What you described is significant new
> functionality, which I'm happier to have than a new manual. I'm just
> curious about the current state of affairs and e.g. status of the
> manual.

The most current manual is always in the doc/ directory.  On Linux, you
can type "make" to build it.  It's currently not very much in sync with
the code--the bits about the REPL are missing--but it's more
up-to-date than the one on the webpage.

> Perhaps if the project page warned the manual is out of date
> and to read the (hopefully updated) README for setup info?

The README is current.  It just describes the minimal configuration.
Some people don't like that but, since it is minimal, it has the best
chance to work the first time.  I think that a working setup, even
though minimal, is better than everything that doesn't work.


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