[slime-devel] slime & sbcl event-loop issues

xristos xristos at suspicious.org
Mon Feb 16 17:42:27 UTC 2009


The point was calling things that register
handlers from the repl which means the
repl thread on :spawn mode. If i spawn another
thread to call serve-event, my callbacks will
never get called.  Anyway, this is irrelevant
now as fd-handler works.

Something else: With slime current from
cvs multiple repls in the same image don't seem
to work. If i start swank with swank:create-server :port 6666
:dont-close t, and then connect with slime-connect only
the first connection creates a repl. Subsequent ones do nothing
(this used to work in the past).

Also, doing slime-open-listener and including slime-mrepl
creates a new listener but
1) slime-presentations do not work in the listener
2) I can only create at most 1 new listener
3) If i press enter on the listener i get:

end of file on #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM {11A83009}>
    [Condition of type END-OF-FILE]

  0: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD "swank- 
listener-thread" RUNNING {11A75EA9}>

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