[slime-devel] Daily ChangeLog diff

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Sun Aug 2 13:24:00 UTC 2009

* Tobias C. Rittweiler [2009-08-02 15:01+0200] writes:

> I just comitted the following:
>   - Add a new severity :redefinition for notes. 
>   - (I only updated SBCL's swank backend to make use of it. Backends of
>     other implementations that are as verbose as SBCL (CMUCL?) should be
>     updated as well.)
>   - Do not show the compilation log if every note represents a
>     redefinition.

This is pretty much a SBCL-only problem and I don't like it at all that
Slime has to work around SBCL deficiencies.  Can't SBCL users just put
something into SB-EXT:*MUFFLED-WARNINGS*?


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