[slime-devel] parsing of local functions & macros

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sat Nov 15 09:28:57 UTC 2008

Tamas K Papp <tkpapp at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I find SLIME's ability to display argument syntax in the status bar
> and complete function names and argument lists very useful.  I am just
> wondering it if would be possible to make this work for local
> functions and macros too.  Eg when I write
> (flet ((strange-function (a b)
> 	 (+ a b (* a b))))
>   (strng-f
> then C-c C-i could offer the completion strange-function among the
> choices, then its arguments would display in the status bar, and C-c
> C-s would complete them.  Same for macrolet.

It's already there!

I added arglist display for local functions and local macros to the
`slime-autodoc' contrib back in September. Please make sure you're
running a recent version of Slime, and use the slime-autodoc contrib.

Slime's completion works by looking at the interned symbols in the Lisp
image. At the time you write the FLET form the first time without having
it yet evaluated, C-c C-i won't work. However, dabbrev-expand (M-/)
should work.

C-c C-s for local functions / macros does not work at the moment.



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