[slime-devel] parsing of local functions & macros

Tamas K Papp tkpapp at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 02:16:26 UTC 2008


I find SLIME's ability to display argument syntax in the status bar
and complete function names and argument lists very useful.  I am just
wondering it if would be possible to make this work for local
functions and macros too.  Eg when I write

(flet ((strange-function (a b)
	 (+ a b (* a b))))

then C-c C-i could offer the completion strange-function among the
choices, then its arguments would display in the status bar, and C-c
C-s would complete them.  Same for macrolet.

I know very little about SLIME's internal workings.  Is it possible to
do this?

Thank you,


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