[slime-devel] Appeal from luserland

Harald Hanche-Olsen hanche at math.ntnu.no
Thu Feb 22 11:08:51 UTC 2007

+ Timofei Shatrov <grue at mail.ru>:

| Totally agree! I'm still stuck with Slime 2.0, but I would upgrade
| ASAP when the new version is released.

It used to be the case that one could track FAIRLY-STABLE and get
closer to the cutting edge without too much danger, but I see that
FAIRLY-STABLE seems to be older than 2.0:

RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el,v
Working file: slime.el
head: 1.762
symbolic names:
        SLIME-2-0: 1.618
        FAIRLY-STABLE: 1.615

Does this mean that FAIRLY-STABLE is no longer intended to be used?

If FAIRLY-STABLE is to be used at all, I think it ought to be no older
than the current release.  Otherwise, maybe the tag ought to be removed.

- Harald

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