[slime-devel] Appeal from luserland

Fred Gilham gilham at csl.sri.com
Wed Feb 21 23:49:28 UTC 2007

As a long time Slime fan, I am wondering if it would be possible to get
the slime developers to start making releases?  Right now the operating
model seems to be to grab the head of CVS and go with that, but I'm
never sure if such grabbing will create problems for me.  Even more,
slime is now a component of McCLIM and (I think) other software packages
that I've been using.  It would be nice if people could say, "McCLIM
requires Slime 4.7".

I have to admit that in my old age I'm becoming less and less of a
hacker and more and more of a user.... :-) or maybe :-(

Fred Gilham                                  gilham at csl.sri.com
linus doesnt have what they call a GUI which means that you cant use a
mouse and click on things you have to type in words in a different
language probably finnish I dont know but it wont work unless you
speak at least 10 different languages and one of those languages has
to be a slavic language and you have a phd in 10 different languages
and also can do math real real good - From geraldholmes.freeyellow.com

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