[slime-devel] Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: exited abnormally with code 256 (with SBCL 0.9.8, elephant)

Gábor Melis mega at retes.hu
Fri Oct 6 08:18:07 UTC 2006

On Friday 06 October 2006 01:52, Red Daly wrote:
> I receive the following error when working a piece of software called
> Elephant.  The following two lines cause my Lisp connection to exit
> abnormally:
> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :elephant)
> (let ((store-spec '(:BDB "store")))
>   (elephant:open-store store-spec))
> The only visible error is a status message in emacs:
> Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: exited abnormally with code 256

I seem to recall that it happened to me as well before and it was caused 
by load the/a/another pthread library into a threaded image.

#+(and linux (not (and sbcl sb-thread)))
(uffi:load-foreign-library "/lib/tls/libpthread.so.0" :module "pthread")
    (error "Couldn't load libpthread!"))

Now, it seems to be protected by (not (and sbcl sb-thread)) so it is not 
likely to be same. Is it a threaded sbcl that you're running? Tracing 
uffi:load-foreign-library may give a clue as to what goes wrong.

Cheers, Gabor

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