[slime-devel] SLIME+Allegro on Windows

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Thu Feb 23 22:44:06 UTC 2006

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:13:39 -0800, mikel <mikel at evins.net> wrote:

> Franz wants Peter Seibel's Lispbox to work with acl on Windows. The
> obstacle is that acl is not a console application on Windows, and
> doesn't provide a connection to standard input and standard output
> in the normal way. I've agreed to do a little legwork to find a way
> around this problem, and the first thing it occurred to me to do was
> to ask SLIME-devel what sort of connection support SLIME would need
> to connect to acl. Is it sufficient for the running acl to provide
> sockets, so that the lisp-side server can respond to the emacs-side
> SLIME protocol?
> What issues am I not thinking of in my naive view of this problem?

I have this in my ~/.emacs file (basically copying from and old
suggestion by Luke Gorrie) and it seems to work fine:

  (defun start-lisp-and-wait (command-string)
    (shell-command command-string)
    (while (not (ignore-errors (slime-connect "localhost" 4005)))
      (sit-for 0.2)))

  (defun alisp ()
    (start-lisp-and-wait "c:/PROGRA~1/acl80/alisp.exe +B +cm -L ~/.slime.lisp&"))


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