[slime-devel] slime doesn't handle spaces in inferior-lisp-program ?

André erdna123 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 10:10:32 UTC 2006


My setup is.

(setq inferior-lisp-program "C:/Program Files/Steel Bank Common
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Program Files/Emacs/site-lisp/slime-2.0")
(require 'slime)

When I execute M-x slime I get the error message "Spawning child
process: invalid argument". Experimenting a bit, I found that:

(file-exists-p inferior-lisp-program) returns t
(set-variable 'explicit-shell-file-name inferior-lisp-program) + M-x
shell will get me a SBCL "shell".

After moving SBCL to c:\sbcl and changing my config to  (setq
inferior-lisp-program "C:/sbcl/sbcl.exe") I tried M-x slime again and
everything worked fine!

I've been looking through the slime source (both 2.0 and the latest
snapshot) and the split-string calls in slime-read-interactive-arg
sure looks suspicious.

Is this a known issue?


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