[slime-devel] Re: weak-p hash tables required for cmucl?

Raymond Toy rtoy at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 29 03:51:22 UTC 2005

Helmut Eller wrote:
> * Raymond Toy [2005-09-25 23:52+0200] writes:
>>Just want to know if weak-p hash tables are required for cmucl?  When
>>using slime with cmucl on Mac OS X, there's a note about that because
>>weak-p hash-tables only exist on platforms with gencgc support (x86,
> I think it's not required.  The weak hash tables are used to remember
> the results in the REPL and for presentations.  Non-weak hash tables
> should work instead, but aren't as nice, because the tables are never
> cleared and the recorded objects could be pretty big.
> You can enable/disable the stuff with swank:*record-repl-results*. 
> So, I think the default hash tables are good enough as long as
> swank-cmucl.lisp can be compiled without aborting.

Yes, it compiles just fine and runs just fine.  I just get the warning
about unsupported weak-p tables, and was wondering if it were really
important or not.



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