[slime-devel] Fwd: Slime patch for inspecting objects returned to the REPL

bryan o'connor bryan-slime at lunch.org
Tue Aug 9 16:23:40 UTC 2005

Thas (on #lisp) can't email, so this is forwarded on his behalf:


With the change of presentation-ids from numbers to conses,
"C-c I"'ing objects in the REPL broke.  This fixes it; also,
it makes it work if the user's set *READ-BASE* to something
other than 10 (which I happened to have done at the time I
wrote the patch).

diff -u -r1.519 slime.el
--- slime.el    8 Aug 2005 16:31:47 -0000       1.519
+++ slime.el    9 Aug 2005 16:10:23 -0000
@@ -7749,7 +7749,9 @@
  (defun slime-read-object (prompt)
    (let ((id (get-text-property (point) 'slime-repl-old-output)))
      (if id
-        `(swank:init-inspector ,(format "(swank:get-repl-result %S)"  
+        (if (consp id)
+            `(swank:init-inspector ,(format "(cl:nth #10r%d  
(swank:get-repl-result #10r%d))" (cdr id) (car id)))
+          `(swank:init-inspector ,(format "(swank:get-repl-result % 
S)" id)))
          ,(slime-read-from-minibuffer "Inspect value (evaluated): "

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