[slime-devel] Tab behavior in REPL buffers

Brian Downing bdowning at lavos.net
Sat Mar 27 19:13:36 UTC 2004

On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 08:24:23AM -0800, Peter Seibel wrote:
> I haven't looked deeply into this but I was wondering if anyone else
> found the behavior of TAB in REPL buffers a bit annoying. I'm so used
> to using TAB to indent code that I'm constantly hitting it to try to
> line up my code in the REPL. Which usually results in a huge
> *Completions* typeout window popping up with a list of every symbol in
> existance because I'm usually sitting on some whitespace. I notice in
> lisp source buffers TAB is *not* bound to slime-complete-symbol.
> Should I just remap TAB myself or does anyone else find the current
> behavior annoying and perhaps worth changing?

My biggest annoyance is not that TAB is bound to slime-complete-symbol
(I've kind of grown to like the command-line style completion for
interactive usage - although I still automatically tend to use C-M-i,
since it works everywhere), but that there isn't a key bound to
indenting lines, the traditional function of TAB.  I like to build
longish expressions in the REPL, and it's a real pain to keep them

(Obviously I've been too lazy to bind my own keys.  :)

*** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net> 

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