[slime-devel] Re: long delay starting up slime on a computer off-line

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Wed Jun 30 18:38:24 UTC 2004

Chisheng Huang <cph at chi-square-works.com> writes:

>> Sounds suspiciously like a DNS lookup. We actually make two network
>> connections (one for the RPC channel and then one for streaming user
>> output) so that would explain your delays.
>> What platform are you running on?
> Red Hat 7.3 Linux on an Intel box and CMUCL 2004-06-29 snapshot.
> I cvs updated Slime on 2004-06-29.  I first noticed this long delay
> in January this year.

Well, here are some random ideas:

  If you replace all occurances of "localhost" with "" in
  slime.el, do the delays disappear?

  How about if you take down the network, e.g. 'ifdown eth0' or
  'ifconfig eth0 down'

  If you don't already have it, put a line in /etc/hosts like: localhost

I don't know if I'm on the right track here.


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