[slime-devel] CVS sbcl and CVS slime trigger evaluation error

Zach Beane xach at xach.com
Sun Jul 18 02:52:58 UTC 2004

I got the following bits after doing C-c C-c on a defpackage form with
today's slime checkout; I backed things up with -D, and 2004-07-14 is
the first day the problem occurs.


--- *slime-repl[0]* ---
; SLIME 2004-07-13

debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread 7626:
  There is no applicable method for the generic function
  when called with arguments

You can type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [ABORT   ] Abort SLIME compilation.
  1:            Abort handling SLIME request.
  2:            Reduce debugger level (leaving debugger, returning to
  3: [TOPLEVEL] Restart at toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop.
 #<unavailable argument>
 #<unavailable argument>
 ("(defpackage :cl-truetype-system
  (:use :cl :asdf))
  :BUFFER "cl-truetype.asd" :POSITION 10))
--- *slime-repl[0]* ---

--- *slime-events* ---
 nil t 1)
(:open-dedicated-output-stream 45295)
 (("descend-into" . 1)
  ("number-dispatch" . 1)
  ("do-debug-fun-blocks" . 1)
  ("do-debug-block-locations" . 1)
  ("do-debug-fun-vars" . 1)
  ("bind-simple-lexical-method-macros" . 1)
  ("simple-lexical-method-functions" . 1)
  ("pv-binding1" . 1)
  ("bind-lexical-method-functions" . 1)
  ("dotimes-fixnum" . 1)
  ("dolist-carefully" . 1)
  ("fast-lexical-method-functions" . 1)
  ("modify-cache" . 1)
  ("doplist" . 2)
  ("bind-args" . 1)
  ("pv-binding" . 1)
  ("dfun-miss" . 1)
  ("bind-fast-lexical-method-macros" . 1)
  ("without-interrupts" . 0)
  ("without-scheduling" . 1)
   (7626 "SBCL" "sbcl"
	 (:asdf :ansi-cl :common-lisp :sbcl :unix :sb-doc :sb-test :sb-thread :ieee-floating-point :x86 :linux :gencgc :stack-grows-downward-not-upward :c-stack-is-control-stack)))
 (swank:compile-string-for-emacs "(defpackage :cl-truetype-system\n  (:use :cl :asdf))\n" "cl-truetype.asd" 10)
 ":cl-truetype-system" t 2)
(:read-string 0 1)
--- *slime-events* ---

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