[slime-devel] Re: SLIME automated testing best practices.

Nikodemus Siivola tsiivola at cc.hut.fi
Fri Jul 16 14:02:43 UTC 2004

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Dirk Gerrits wrote:

> My problem is how to use any such testing framework /effectively/.  The
> style of writing a bit of code in the REPL, trying it out, and copying
> it to my file, editing it a bit, trying it out in the REPL again... is
> comfortable for me.


I never type any code I'm likely to want to keep into the REPL. If there's 
a place for it it goes into the appropriate file, if not I tend to keep 
around a scratch.lisp buffer for stuff like that. Then I either C-x C-e or 
C-c C-c it.

In the REPL I only do very ephemeral stuff: tweaking FORMAT expressions, 
munging files, using it as a desktop calculator, REQUIRE'ing stuff, etc.

For tests I typically use the RT framework, and have a test-op for the
system the tests are for. To run all the tests I just do (in the REPL):

  (oos 'test-op :foo)

and when working on a single case I may edit & recompile the relevant code 
& tests, and then just rerun those ones from the REPL:

  (rt:do-test 'foo-tests:frob.42)


  -- Nikodemus                   "Not as clumsy or random as a C++ or Java.
                              An elegant weapon for a more civilized time."

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