[slime-devel] SLIME buglet: The value NIL is not of type PACKAGE.

Michael Weber michaelw+slime at foldr.org
Wed Jan 21 01:39:22 UTC 2004

* Helmut Eller <e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at> [2004-01-21T01:04+0100]:
> Michael Weber <michaelw+slime at foldr.org> writes:
> > M-x slime		; start SLIME
> > C-x C-f foo.lisp	; get a buffer in lisp-mode
> > C-c :			; Slime Eval:
> > <Tab>			; slime-completie-symbol
> Should be fixed in the CVS version.  Thanks for the report.

Well, not really.  The bug moved, though.

C-c :
<left> ; move cursor somewhere over "Eval:" (of the "Slime Eval:" prompt)
       ; one char to the left is enough here.
; *bang*

The reason is two-fold: 
1. My emacs allows me to move point over the prompt (GNU/Emacs, and access it as regular input.

2. SWANK:COMPLETIONS gets all upset about a package ("Eval") it cannot

re 1: Attached is a patch (slime-minibuffer.patch), which narrows the
minibuffer, so that the prompt is not accessible.  The macro
WITHOUT-MINIBUFFER-PROMPT should probably be called whenever something
wants to read from the minibuffer (at least if tab completion is

BTW: XEmacs seems to do the Right Thing by default and does not allow
the cursor to be moved over the prompt, and it does not have
MINIBUFFER-PROMPT-END, so I conditionalized on it.

re 2: Attached is another patch (swank-completions.patch), making
SWANK:COMPLETIONS handle non-existent packages without bombing.
While I was there I removed the unneeded LET*.

I also tried to run SLIME-RUN-TESTS.  Why it said "FAILED: Completion
set is as expected.", I don't know.  Works for me(tm).

Here is the relevant output:

* complete-symbol
** input: (cl:compile ((cl:compile cl:compile-file cl:compile-file-pathname cl:compiled-function cl:compiled-function-p cl:compiler-macro cl:compiler-macro-function) cl:compile))
FAILED: Completion set is as expected.
** input: (cl:foobar (nil ))
Completion set is as expected.
** input: (cl::compile-file ((cl::compile-file cl::compile-file-pathname) cl::compile-file))
FAILED: Completion set is as expected.
** input: (cl:m-v-l ((cl:multiple-value-list cl:multiple-values-limit) cl:multiple-value-li))
FAILED: Completion set is as expected.

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-------------- next part --------------
Index: slime.el
RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el,v
retrieving revision 1.194
diff -u -u -r1.194 slime.el
--- slime.el	20 Jan 2004 23:53:13 -0000	1.194
+++ slime.el	21 Jan 2004 00:39:22 -0000
@@ -3187,6 +3187,21 @@
                (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Completions*"
                  (display-completion-list completion-set))
+(defmacro without-minibuffer-prompt (&rest body)
+  "Narrow minibuffer excluding the prompt, then execute BODY."
+  (if (fboundp 'minibuffer-prompt-end)
+      `(save-restriction
+         (narrow-to-region (minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max))
+         , at body)
+    `(progn , at body)))
+(defun slime-minibuffer-complete-symbol ()
+  "Run SLIME-COMPLETE-SYMBOL within minibuffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (without-minibuffer-prompt
+    (slime-complete-symbol)))
 (defun slime-minibuffer-respecting-message (format &rest format-args)
   "Display TEXT as a message, without hiding any minibuffer contents."
@@ -3202,8 +3217,8 @@
 (set-keymap-parent slime-read-expression-map minibuffer-local-map)
-(define-key slime-read-expression-map "\t" 'slime-complete-symbol)
-(define-key slime-read-expression-map "\M-\t" 'slime-complete-symbol)
+(define-key slime-read-expression-map "\t" 'slime-minibuffer-complete-symbol)
+(define-key slime-read-expression-map "\M-\t" 'slime-minibuffer-complete-symbol)
 (defvar slime-read-expression-history '()
   "History list of expressions read from the minibuffer.")
-------------- next part --------------
--- swank.lisp.~1.105.~	2004-01-21 00:47:56.000000000 +0100
+++ swank.lisp	2004-01-21 02:13:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -897,27 +897,30 @@
                      (if n 
                          (find-package (case-convert n))
                          *buffer-package* ))))
+      (unless package
+        (return-from completions (list nil "")))
       (flet ((symbol-matches-p (symbol)
                (and (compound-prefix-match name (symbol-name symbol))
                     (or (or internal-p (null package-name))
                         (symbol-external-p symbol package)))))
-        (when package
           (do-symbols (symbol package)
             (when (symbol-matches-p symbol)
-              (push symbol completions)))))
+              (push symbol completions))))
       (let ((*print-case* (if (find-if #'upper-case-p string)
                               :upcase :downcase))
-            (*package* package))
-        (let* ((completion-set
-                (mapcar (lambda (s)
-                          (cond (internal-p (format nil "~A::~A" package-name s))
-                                (package-name (format nil "~A:~A" package-name s))
-                                (t (format nil "~A" s))))
-                        ;; DO-SYMBOLS can consider the same symbol more than
-                        ;; once, so remove duplicates.
-                        (remove-duplicates (sort completions #'string<
-                                                 :key #'symbol-name)))))
-          (list completion-set (longest-completion completion-set)))))))
+            (*package* package)
+            (completion-set
+               (mapcar (lambda (s)
+                       (cond (internal-p (format nil "~A::~A" package-name s))
+                             (package-name (format nil "~A:~A" package-name s))
+                             (t (format nil "~A" s))))
+                     ;; DO-SYMBOLS can consider the same symbol more than
+                     ;; once, so remove duplicates.
+                     (remove-duplicates (sort completions #'string<
+                                              :key #'symbol-name)))))
+        (list completion-set (longest-completion completion-set))))))
 (defun parse-symbol-designator (string)
   "Parse STRING as a symbol designator.

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