[slime-devel] emacs complains about 'package' variable

Janis Dzerins jdz at dir.lv
Sat Jan 17 21:02:39 UTC 2004

Hello slime hackers.

I'm having trouble with latest version of Slime -- I can't evaluate (as 
in C-M-x) or macroexpand (C-c C-m) forms.  Emacs complains with message: 
'Symbol's value as variable is void: package'.  I've traced the problem 
to the function SLIME-EVAL-WITH-TRANSCRIPT.  I debugged it with EDebug 
and here's what I found: when entering the function, arguments FORM, 
PACKAGE and FN have their intended values.  I checked it with EDebug's 
eval facility.  Then, after passing the SLIME-WITH-OUTPUT-END-MARK, I 
tried evaluating PACKAGE again, and it no longer had a value.

This might have something to do with the WITH-LEXICAL-BINDINGS macro, 
but I'm not any good at debugging emacs code.  So now I stick without 
macroexpand and use C-c C-c (which works!) instead of C-M-x.

Any suggestions?

Janis Dzerins

   If million people say a stupid thing, it's still a stupid thing.

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