[slime-devel] Re: Problem with SLIME + CMUCL + CLSQL + Oracle

Ivan Toshkov ivan at toshkov.org
Thu Aug 19 10:00:32 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 19 August 2004 11:49, Luke Gorrie wrote:
> The usual way to peg CMUCL at high CPU is to use threads without
> starting the idle process. Are you using any threads? If so try doing
> (setq slime-multiprocessing t) in Emacs and in ~/.swank.lisp do
> (setq swank:*communication-style* :spawn)
I hadn't started any threads, but perhaps the oracle backend does?  Don't 
know, but this seems to help.  The only problem is that CMUCL is not very 
resposnive, this way.  It takes about a second or so to evaluate anything, 
even a self-eval numbers.  Is there a way around this?
> We really need a nicer way to configure this. The fly in the ointment
> is that we have to call (mp::startup-idle-and-top-level-loops) via the
> Lisp listener in *inferior-lisp* because the scary magic it does
> doesn't work from an RPC or init file AFAICS.
> If there are no threads involved then I suggest interrupting Lisp
> while it's chewing CPU and having a look at the backtrace.
Tried C-c C-c,  C-c C-g, C-g C-c and C-g C-g.  Neither helped.
> -Luke
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