[slime-devel] Slime and sbcl, minor problems.

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Mon Nov 24 10:12:15 UTC 2003

Daniel Barlow <dan at telent.net> writes:

> Unrelatedly, I'm playing with adding SLIME support to Araneida, so
> that errors caused by HTTP request handlers will spawn sldb.

Sounds nice indeed :-)

> As these happen asynchronously with respect to user input at the
> repl, it seems that the easiest thing to do is add :debug as a valid
> transition for the idle state -

I think that's the way to go, patch looks good.

Then on the Lisp side I suppose you need to arrange for a few
variables to be bound for the debugger, e.g. *emacs-io* and
*buffer-package*, which are usually only bound while serving
evaluation requests.

This will be good beyond Araneida. Now that we've taken over the REPL,
it makes sense for us take over standard-IO, *debugger-hook*, etc, all
the time Emacs is connected, not just during explicit requests. At
least as an option.


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