[slime-devel] Slime feature requests

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Sat Nov 22 07:50:20 UTC 2003

Brian Mastenbrook <bmastenb at cs.indiana.edu> writes:

> Can I request that swank:start-server go back to not requiring an
> argument and starting the server on the default port - and possibly
> allow the choice of another port somehow?

I've exported the `swank:create-swank-server' command. This takes a
port number as argument and starts a swank server there. If you give 0
for the port, it will take a random available port. The return value
is the port that's actually being listened on.

Sound right?

> It might also be nice to include a simple swank .asd file like the
> one I've attached to make it easier to start the swank server in a
> fresh lisp.

Good idea, done. I added comments in the file describing how to fire
up the swank server and connect.

> I've also noticed that SLIME seems to like to pop up the REPL in the
> current frame when sending definitions via C-M-x, and resize it if
> it's already active. I like keeping the REPL in another window, and
> would request that SLIME not touch or rearrange anything unless the
> slime repl is not visible.

Done - if *slime-repl* is already visible in any frame, the window
configuration is left as-is. Possibly this should be configurable, but
I'm not sure so I'll wait until someone complains or commits otherwise

> Lastly, it seems that slime prints its results from the CL-USER
> package, regarldess of the user's current package in the REPL. Since
> it obviously knows the current package well enough to include it in
> the REPL prompt, would it be possible to make it print output from
> that package?



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