[slime-devel] sending form to *inferior-lisp* or *slime-repl*

Nicolas Neuss Nicolas.Neuss at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Dec 12 13:35:24 UTC 2003


first thank you very much for Slime.  I use it only for a short while now,
but I already prefer it to Ilisp.

Some questions, though.  I have some longer calculations which give some
status information during the run.  I had a function which sent an
S-expression to the *cmulisp* buffer (bringing it up if necessary) and
which was defined as

(defun copy-eval-last-sexp (arg)
  "Evaluate the last s-expression in the source buffer in the Lisp
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((end (point))
	(beg (save-excursion
	       (backward-list 1)
	(edit-buffer (current-buffer)))
    (switch-to-buffer edit-buffer)
    (append-to-buffer ilisp-buffer beg end)
    (switch-to-buffer ilisp-buffer)

I have bound this to "C-x M-e" with
(define-key lisp-mode-map "\C-x\M-e" 'copy-eval-last-sexp)

Question: Is there something similar in Slime or how should I do it in
Slime?  Should it go to *inferior-lisp* or to *slime-repl*?  I also noted
that *inferior-lisp* pops up when information is displayed.  I do not want
this, actually, so how could I switch that off?

Thanks, Nicolas.

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