[rucksack-devel] Enhancements - Code?

Jochen Schmidt js at crispylogics.com
Mon May 30 11:19:06 UTC 2011

Am 30.05.2011 um 12:44 schrieb Arthur Lemmens:

> Phil <phil at dataxware.co.za> wrote:
>> Has any of the code discussed in the February thread "Enhancements to
>> Rucksack" been posted some where yet?
> I don't think so.

I remember that I promised to polish up my enhancements and publish them, but didn't do so yet. This is actually only a matter of time, or just the lack of it.

>> I would seriously like to use rucksack in a commercial project and have
>> some resources to throw at enhancements.
> In principle I'm available for consulting work.  Do you have a list of
> enhancements that you're thinking of for your project?  If you're mostly
> interested in the enhancements that Jochen described, maybe you should
> talk with him first.

I've taken a quick glance on it and there are mainly 4 parts to it:

1) Some little fixes
2) An implementation of "shared reader transactions"
This needs an implementation of shared reader locks. I've one which wraps the LW ones and uses bordeaux thread condition variables for others. I can provide it too. Since ClozureCL also supports read/write-locks there could be a special version for it.
3) Initialization of transient slots
In my use case I wanted objects which get loaded from a rucksack to automatically reinitialize their transient slots. This is done by calling shared-initialize on the subset of transient slots after loading the object. This fills the transient slots from their init-forms or allows to do arbitrary "reinitialization" by overriding shared-initialize.
4) "register-rucksack-class": a mean to fixup  the schema of a rucksack to support a particular rucksack class.

I've to strip out some code from it which is from some of my projects or tests and which would not be useful to others. The changes are not big - just a few lines of codes here and there.

As I already said, I'm still quite busy on customer projects, but really hope to get to it asap (hopefully "this week").


> Arthur
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Jochen Schmidt
Cross Media Solutions
Uhlandstr. 9, 90408 Nürnberg

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