[rucksack-devel] (no subject)

Arthur Lemmens alemmens at xs4all.nl
Wed Jan 16 15:14:20 UTC 2008

Leonid Novikov wrote:

> CL-USER> (rucksack:with-rucksack (rs *tmp-rucksack*)
> 	   (rucksack:with-transaction ()
> 	     (rucksack:rucksack-map-class rs 'plan-of-acc2
> 					  (lambda (x)
> 					    (setf (name x) "w")))))
> Argument X is not a NUMBER: NIL
>    [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR]

Yes: when deleting a key from a btree, Rucksack should use the
BTREE-KEY= function (not P-EQL) to determine the position of the

Thanks a lot for the bug report and the patch.  I just committed your
patch to CVS, with a small modification: I made the new TEST argument
(for REMOVE-KEY and KEY-POSITION) a required argument instead of a
keyword argument.


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