[rucksack-devel] rucksack performance

Arthur Lemmens alemmens at xs4all.nl
Fri Jan 12 07:28:05 UTC 2007

[replying to list]

Cyrus Harmon wrote:

> ok, well, this heap exhaustion thing seems to be the biggest problem
> ATM. the fact that it happens both in the "one giant transaction" and
> "one transaction per object instantiation" scenarios is troubling.
> For some reason, we're holding on to references to objects in memory
> that aren't getting gc'ed. I don't know if SBCL or rucksack is to
> blame here, to be honest, and you could probably make a decent
> argument either way, but I have a feeling that it's going to be
> easier to fix rucksack's memory usage patterns than it will be to fix
> SBCL gc strategy to deal with the offending scenario (lots of small
> objects that take up over half of the available heap space).

Yes, I agree.  That's why Rucksack has a cache instead of just keeping
everything in memory.  You could try playing with some cache settings
to see if that helps.


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