Caching of effective methods in custom method combinations

Edi Weitz edi at
Tue Jul 21 07:46:48 UTC 2015

Hi everybody,

Here's some behavior I see on SBCL as well as LispWorks, so I'm
assuming for now they're right in doing so.  My question would be why
they are.

I start with the following code which I compile and load:


  (defvar *current-qualifiers* '(:a :b :c))

  (define-method-combination test ()
      ((methods *))
    (let ((selected-methods (loop for method in methods
                                  when (intersection (method-qualifiers method)
                                    collect method)))
      `(call-method ,(first selected-methods)
                    ,(rest selected-methods))))

  (defgeneric foo (thing)
    (:method-combination test))
  (defmethod foo :a (thing)
  (defmethod foo :b (thing)


Now, in the REPL I do the following:

  CL-USER> (foo 42)
  CL-USER> (setq *current-qualifiers* '(:a :c))
  (:A :C)
  CL-USER> (foo 42)

I almost expected this.  The effective method obviously isn't computed
anew but was cached.  But even if I now re-evaluate the
DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION form, (FOO 42) will still return (:BLUE).
Only if I re-evaluate the DEFGENERIC form will the return value change
to (:RED).

My question is if the standard somewhere allows this caching to
happen.  That would for example mean that any kind of "dynamic method
combination" (for example based on the time of the day, just for
grins) is impossible.

Or am I missing something and my interpretation is wrong?


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