[pro] CDR proposal: compiled-file-p

Sam Steingold sds at gnu.org
Tue May 15 15:54:50 UTC 2012

In 2004 I submitted a CLRFI which was then accepted as CLRFI-2.
It specified a new function COMPILED-FILE-P which was supposed to be
useful for system construction utilities, e.g., asdf:

(compiled-file-p file-name) ==> valid-p

 true  if the file appears to be a valid compiled file
  (i.e., exists, is readable, and the contents appears to be
  valid for this implementation),
 false  otherwise.

Implementations are required to inspect the contents
(e.g., checking just the pathname type is not sufficient).
Although the completeness of the inspection is not required,
this function should be able to detect,
e.g., file format changes between versions.

I re-submitted the spec to the CDR editors a week ago.
No response so far.

The detailed html spec is attached.

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Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) X 11.0.11103000
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