[pro] #; comments...

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Sun May 13 17:47:19 UTC 2012

On 8 May 2012, at 20:02, Alessio Stalla wrote:

> On topic: the proposed syntactic addition is nice, but imho too
> trivial and too easily provided as a library to bother with a CDR
> (that would need to be included in each implementation).

Interesting discussion so far. (Alessio, I'm not responding to you directly, just as a stub for the discussion, so to speak… ;)

I can perfectly understand those who voiced their opinion that the existing mechanisms for commenting out s-expressions are good enough. (I especially liked the #+| here is a bug | variant that puts a comment in the feature expression.)

However, the suggestion that #; could just be put in a library is not a valid counter argument. The main reason for adding #; to a specification (and thus suggesting it as a quasi-standard for the language) is that it should be straightforward and simple to use it. Adding #; in any way makes only sense if it can be used in a considerably faster way than any other of the existing options. If I want to comment out an s-expression, I probably want to do this during development because I quickly want to try out a variant of my code. I don't want to be interrupted in my flow of thinking about the problem at hand when doing so. That's the very reason why I never use the #+(and) and #-(or) options, because they require me to think at least for a few seconds which way the operators go, and that disrupts what I'm actually interested in [1]. Likewise, I think, with the other options. I already find that placing a pair of #| |# around the s-expression in question takes far too much time than necessary.

I haven't decided yet whether I should go forward with the CDR or not...


[1] They are intentionally chosen wrong in this sentence, and if you missed that, it proves my point.

Pascal Costanza
The views expressed in this email are my own, and not those of my employer.

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