[parenscript-devel] Copyright holders and years

Vladimir Sedach vsedach at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 17:54:39 UTC 2007

Hello Luca,

Yes, you are right about the documentation issue, it is a bit of a
mess. What I did instead is package up a new release, 20070801, which
is the same as 20070720 but with an updated manual.pdf and
tutorial.lisp. This will keep the two consistent and I hope make your
life easier.

manual.pdf is no longer in source control (I don't think there is a
good reason why it should be), but I will continue to generate it for
the tarball releases.

Thanks again,

On 8/2/07, Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> wrote:
> Hello Vladimir!
> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 19:11:35 +0200, Vladimir Sedach wrote:
> > 1. Yes
> > 2. Yes
> > 3. For the 7-20-07 release no. For the next one, yes (Red Daly), but
> > don't worry about it for now.
> OK, read below about Red Daly.
> > Thanks for putting together this package. If you're planning on
> > including the pdf documentation that's linked from the cl.net page,
> > I've just put up updated versions of the tutorial and reference for
> > the 7-20-07 release.
> The main problem is that I previously provided the documentation in
> the manual.pdf form, together with instructions about how to generate
> the single-file documentation:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> README for the Debian cl-parenscript package
> --------------------------------------------
> * Single file documentation
> The upstream ParenScript comes with a manual in the PDF format,
> composed by three different parts: an introduction, a tutorial and
> the language reference.
> At the same time, however, the documentation is provided for every
> single part as a lisp file in the source folder:
>     /usr/share/common-lisp/source/parenscript/docs/
> You can open this file with your favorite editor or you can generate
> PDF documents from them with the scripts provided in the Debian doc
> folder.  Use the following command:
>  $ sh /usr/share/doc/cl-parenscript/scripts/make-pdf.sh $FILE
> $FILE is one of introduction.lisp, reference.lisp or tutorial.lisp.
> The PDF documents will be available in your home folder.
> Note that in order to generate the PDF documentation, you need the
> suggested packages: texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-recommended,
> texlive-fonts-recommended and python.
>  -- Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>, Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:57:29 +0100
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Now, I saw that you removed manual.pdf [1] without providing the
> single files, thus I see two options:
> 1) you provide the single files as they're on the web
> 2) I generates the single files at the Debian package build time and
>    ship them in the Debian package
> While I prefer the first option (because the documentation in the
> package will be in sync with the web), OTOH the second option seems to
> be slightly better, because the documentation in the package will
> always be in sync with the files generating the documentation.
> I don't really know how to proceed here, sorry :-)
> BTW, including any new patch about the documentation will mean that
> the Debian package won't be anymore the upstream release 7-20-2007,
> but the darcs snapshot of the last documentation patch (which is not
> at all a problem, just FYI).
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
> Footnotes:
> [1] 20070801183143-1fe91-3f80b4a3b9f2cb3b2d405ca2224653140294613f.gz
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