[Pal-devel] Can't run examples/hello.lisp

Tomi Neste tomi.neste at netikka.fi
Wed Jan 2 20:08:27 UTC 2008

David N Murray <dmurray at jsbsystems.com> kirjoitti Wed, 02 Jan 2008  
18:53:24 +0200:

> Hi,
> I'm test-driving pal and can't seem to get hello.lisp to run.  From the
> command prompt, I get this:
> The value
>   #(#1=#S(PAL::GLYPH
>           :CHAR #\
>           :POS #S(PAL:VEC :X 0.0 :Y 0.0)
>           :WIDTH 1
>           :HEIGHT 1
>           :XOFF 0)
>     #1# #1# #1# #1# #1# #1# #1# #1# #1# ...)
> is not of type
>    [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
> Restarts:
>   0: [ABORT-REQUEST] Abort handling SLIME request.
>   1: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread"  
> {B953131}>)
> Backtrace:
>   1: (PAL:LOAD-FONT #<unavailable argument>)
>   2: (HELLO-1)
>  --more--
> In both cases, it creates the frame with a title and black background.

Looks like I made a good old off-by-one error on ffi.lisp. Should be fixed  
in the cvs, or you could just change the font structure declaration in  
ffi.lisp to look like:

(defstruct font
   (file nil)
   (image nil :type (or boolean image))
   (glyphs nil :type (or boolean (simple-vector 256)))
   (height 0 :type u11))

For some reason the error doesn't always show up... Let me know if this  
helps you get any further.

> My
> environment is a slackware linux box hosting sbcl and the libraries, but  
> I'm
> accessing it via a windows box using ssh (PuTTY) and my X-server is  
> Xming.
> I have no problem running other X apps in this environment.  BTW, the
> graphics card identified by pal is the graphics card on my windows box,
> which makes sense.
I have used pal before with similar setup, so it _should_ work. But for  
some reason I'm not able to get work right now that I tried it :( Probably  
just something wrong with my xming settings, I hope.
And remember that the performance might not be too good, maybe enough for  
dev-work though. Let me know if you get it working :)


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