[noctool-devel] CSS is good, right?

William Annis annis at biostat.wisc.edu
Tue Jun 17 12:41:49 UTC 2008

 >I've never been much of a web person and am certainly not up on the latest 
 >trends :P

        I know the feeling.

 >Are the kids still using CSS for making their webpages pretty?

        Oh, yes.

 >                                                                If so, I 
 >was thinking something like CSS could be really useful for the Noctool web 
 >UI.  Mostly because I couldn't design a decent color scheme to save my 
 >life ;P

        I've never been convinced that web pages are the best way to
interact with system monitoring data, except for the most trivial of
cases.  What I'd *really* like is something like this (viewable in
Safari, Firefox or Opera - requires a plugin for IE):


I've been banging away at an SVG library for CL entirely because of
this one URL.


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