[munich-lisp] Room for next Meeting

Wolfgang Mederle wolfgang.mederle at stud.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Jan 13 22:01:15 UTC 2005

On 13.01.2005, at 22.39 Uhr, Jim Newton wrote:

> hi wolfgang, it will depend on when you can get
> the room as to whether we can have the meeting one
> week later?  you mentioned we need to do it before
> the 13th, right? or did i misunderstand?

The lecture-free time starts around Feb. 13th, but that only means that 
from that date on it should be even easier to get a room. No problem 


P.S. Just passed my oral exam in Computational Linguistics today. 

Wolfgang Mederle
wolfgang.mederle at stud.uni-muenchen.de * GPG key id E8EF7E7F
ICQ# 1435333 * AIM therealmadearl

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