[movitz-devel] &REST variable OBJECTS must be dynamic-extent.

Shawn Betts sabetts at vcn.bc.ca
Sun Apr 17 15:57:25 UTC 2005


It seems sometimes having a &rest variable in a function causes a
strange error. Is this a known issue? It's kind of irritating :).

I added this silly function:

*** los0.lisp	15 Apr 2005 07:04:24 -0000	1.38
--- los0.lisp	17 Apr 2005 15:51:59 -0000
*** 16,21 ****
--- 16,25 ----
  (provide :los0 :load-priority 0)
  (require :common-lisp)
+ (defun silly-fn (&rest objects)
+   (mapcar #'+ objects))
  (require :x86-pc/all)
  (require :x86-pc/io-space)
  (require :x86-pc/ne2k)

and I get this error:

Error in function LISP::ASSERT-ERROR:
   &REST variable OBJECTS must be dynamic-extent.
   [Condition of type COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR]

  0: [CONTINUE          ] Retry assertion.
  1: [RETRY-FUNOBJ      ] Retry compilation of SILLY-FN.
  2: [SKIP-TOPLEVEL-FORM] Skip the compilation of top-level form DEFUN.
  3: [RETRY             ] Restart Movitz compilation of #p"losp/los0.lisp".
  4:                      Skip Movitz compilation of #p"losp/los0.lisp".
  5: [ABORT             ] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

 "&REST variable ~S must be dynamic-extent."

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