[mcclim-devel] clim-demo::demodemo fails with some kind of font problem

Larry Clapp larry at theclapp.org
Fri Apr 6 11:55:07 UTC 2007

On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 07:51:53AM +0100, Christophe Rhodes wrote:
> Larry Clapp <larry at theclapp.org> writes:
> > Any advice?  (Hopefully other than "install
> > -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--24-173-100-100-p-0-iso8859-1".
> > :)
> Actually, I think that probably /is/ the advice, at least for
> starters, but I think I can narrow down the hunt by telling you that
> you probably need to install gsfonts-x11.  You might also need to
> run "xset fp rehash"; at least, last time I installed that package
> the postinst script didn't quite get things set up right.
> (Restarting X is also an option, if an undesireable one...)

Thanks, Christophe.  "apt-get install gsfonts-x11" says "gsfonts-x11
is already the newest version."

By my reading of the tracelog and the code, here's the call sequence:

    #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-PORT :HOST "localhost" :DISPLAY-ID 0 {C8B6749}>

Backends/CLX/port.lisp: text-style-to-x-font calls ...

    #<unavailable argument>
    #<unavailable argument>
    #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-PORT :HOST "localhost" :DISPLAY-ID 0 {C8B6749}>

... Backends/CLX/port.lisp: text-style-mapping, which calls 
Backends/CLX/port.lisp: open-font, which for some reason is not listed
in the backtrace.

Here's open-font:

(defun open-font (display font-name)
  (let ((fonts (xlib:list-font-names display font-name :max-fonts 1)))
    (if fonts
        (xlib:open-font display (first fonts))
        (xlib:open-font display "fixed"))))

font-name should look like
xlib:list-font-names looks like it's supposed to return at most one
font that matches that pattern (I'd assume some *installed* font, but
apparently not!).  For unknown reasons xlib:list-font-names returns
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--24-173-100-100-p-0-iso8859-1, and
open-font calls xlib:open-font on that font:

    #<XLIB:DISPLAY localhost:0 (The X.Org Foundation R70101000)>

and that fails.

So ... any help?  It looks like if I could build a good proof-of-bug
if I knew how to connect to the display.  Some poking around leads me

* (let ((display (xlib:open-display "localhost")))
      (xlib:list-font-names display
			    :max-fonts 1))
    (xlib:close-display display))


Here are my -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-* fonts:

  % xlsfonts | grep adobe-helvetica-medium-r-[^-]*-[^-]*-24-

Why would xlib:list-font-names return a font that I don't actually
have installed, when two fonts that I *do* have installed match the
given pattern?

Thanks again for any help!

-- Larry Clapp

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