[mcclim-devel] Problems with McClim demo

Troels Henriksen athas at sigkill.dk
Sun Nov 12 22:27:02 UTC 2006

Damien Kick <dkixk at earthlink.net> writes:

> I'm running Mac OS on PPC.  The 'xhost +' solved the problem with
> open-display.  On to the next problem <grin>.  Now I can start the
> address-book demo but when I type 'help' into the frame with
> Command', I do not see 'help' echoed back to me and, as soon as I  hit
> RET, I get the condition and stack trace below, which I also see  if I
> don't run from SLIME but from an xterm.

I guess this could happen if the "Help" command, which is defined in
builtin-commands.lisp, is loaded before `accepting-values' has been
defined as a macro. I have changed mcclim.asd to ensure dialog.lisp,
which defines `accepting-values', is loaded before
builtin-commands.lisp. Does this fix the issue for you?

\  Troels "Athas"
/\ Henriksen

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