[mcclim-devel] clisp build issues

Scott Williams ortmage at gmx.net
Sun Jan 22 19:03:22 UTC 2006

This error appears to be related to :unicode in *features*. When
:unicode is set, (setf xlib:gcontext-font) is never called on the
gcontext returned from medium-gcontext. I can stuff font into the
gcontext and continue the drawing operation, but error is quickly
triggered again. I traced xlib:create-gcontext and found that a new
context is created.

I don't really have any idea what I'm doing, but I thought I might get
things to continue if i modified medium-gcontext to always call
      (setf (xlib:gcontext-font gc) (xlib:open-font (first
xlib::*displays*) "fixed"))

This allows the demo to continue without further errors, but nothing
really very interesting appears in the demo window except a narrow black
box at the top, with a wide white box beneath it. At this point I really
don't have any idea what's wrong. Can anyone help me or show me where to
start looking?


Scott Williams wrote:

>[4]> (clim-demo::calculator)
>*** - XLIB:DRAW-GLYPHS: NIL is not of type XLIB:FONT
>The following restarts are available:
>ABORT          :R1      ABORT

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