[mcclim-devel] Error while compiling PostScript backend

Christophe Rhodes csr21 at cam.ac.uk
Sat Feb 18 23:55:04 UTC 2006

Paolo Amoroso <amoroso at mclink.it> writes:

> I have tried building from scratch the latest McCLIM CVS sources with
> CMUCL Snapshot 2005-11 (19C) under Linux, and compilation stops with
> the error:
> [...]
> ; /home/paolo/src/dev/mcclim/Goatee/presentation-history.x86f written.
> ; Compilation finished in 0:00:00.
> ; Loading #P"/home/paolo/src/dev/mcclim/Goatee/presentation-history.x86f".
> ; Loading #P"/home/paolo/src/dev/mcclim/Backends/PostScript/sheet.x86f".

If that's verbatim, then you're loading an old fasl, surely?

> Execution of a form compiled with errors:
>    [Condition of type KERNEL:SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR]
> Restarts:
>   0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of #P"/home/paolo/src/dev/mcclim/Backends/PostScript/sheet.x86f".
>   1: [RETRY   ] Retry performing #<ASDF:LOAD-OP NIL {5837C315}> on
>                 #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "sheet" {5837C145}>.
>   2: [ACCEPT  ] Continue, treating #<ASDF:LOAD-OP NIL {5837C315}> on
>                 #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "sheet" {5837C145}> as
>                 having been successful.
>   3: [ABORT   ] Return to Top-Level.

What was the original error?


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